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12-West Seattle Herald Thursday, Dec. 11, 1969
q 4!II!t!T, IZ ':Zl!l!ii;1 !" !" 'i ! !', r T ! !Ilq I!!!] TI:!iTI ; ! I1!!I !!111]ql!l=i Jil;i i L=i J i;;'::Lltd!ti[ill11111Elil!l;ll!tlJll!l',i';;iil[ht: hl;il,lllllflJlilll{liff;ll!!:r
For Classified Ads Call WE 2-0300
ltitillill l li i i[iiih; [iL [i!' i iliil L i ii, I, l iii!lliiiliii,Ji[iiii i:iIII hdllll IJ'Jlil i* [!i lil ii 11 II ',ll4ttliti it ltlil t lJ m l U[tIEfiLiUJUUllIIIUlmIllU]IflllU]all
--For All Your Needs--
Come in today.., we still have a large
selction of gifts for the girls in your life?
l Robes • Lingerie • Hosiery
• Hostess Gowns • Jumpsuits
• Pant Suits • Culottes • Vests
• Sweaters b Pants • Pant Tops
• Blouses • Daytime & Afl'er-5
Dresses (all sizes 3 Jp. thru 241/2)
• Evening Bags • Honkies • Scarves
• Mufflers • Jewelry
10 A.M.-9 P.M.
Little Books -- Big Business
by NeliMitchell er. She spent her childhood in present time. These she takes screens all factual material for
Now and then a person of Independence, Missouri and Se- to various writer-workshops to accuracy.
achievement and fame comes
and goes in a community and
few are aware of his contribu-
tion. Such a lady became known
to the HERALD some weeks
Does the name Mrs. Arthur
Julesberg bring to your mind a
delightful, warm person whom
you have met at some commu-
nity activity or in the daily
busifless of appointed rounds?
On the other hand, in schools
and libraries, the name Eliza-
beth Rider Montgomery is
recognized as the author of
Textbooks, Juvenile Non-Fic-
tion and Fiction and Playwrite
of some acclaim.
Almost everyone has met
Elizabeth Montgomery through
her primary readers. If you
have not read "We Look and
See," "We Work and Play,"
and "We Come and Go',, then
quite probably your children or
grandchildren have introduced
you to Dick, Jane, Spot, Puff,
Mother and Father.
The 17 word vocabulary al-
lotted to the first book, while
not engrossing to adults has
brought the world of the writ-
ten word into reality for many
Elizabeth Montgomery was
born in Huaras, Peru where her
Father was a missionary teach-
attic, and had, as she grew up.
every intention of being an ar-
tist. Writing was an interest
also and she claimed her first
literary prize as the author of
an essay on "The Good and Bad
Uses of the Apple" in a contest
sponsored by the WCTU -- she
was six at the time.
Still hoping to be an artist,
Elizabeth Montgomery attend-
ed WWSC and UCLA where she
received her degree in Educa.
tion. At the same time she corn
tinued to write short stories and
win contests. When she began
teaching she found the text-
books for small people not to
her liking and here her course of
life began to change.
Working at odd and unlikely
hours in the teacher's lounge,
on the only typewriter at her
disposal, Elizabeth Montgo-
mery began to create children's
books. It was a long slow road
to publication of her first book
--seven years -- and, many
miles of rejection letters. Pain-
ful as they may be to an author
these letters are a thing from
which profit can be obtained.
Some publishers are kind
enough to include constructive
criticism which is beneficial.
In fact, Elizabeth Montgomery
has a book of her rejection let-
ters dating from 1930 to the
W.S. Lodge Installs
John G.' Pederson, Worship- shipful Master: James H.
ful Master elect of West Seattle Borge, Senior Warden : Chester
Lodge No. 287 F&AM announces
an open installation of officers
for Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. in the West-
side Masonic Temple at 4736 -
40th S.W.
The retiring Master George
B. Carlsen will give the address
of welcome.
The following brethern will
officiate as installing officers:
W. B. Del McLees and W. B.
George L. Devenny. They will
be assisted by W. Bros. Waino
A. 'Devenny Junior Warden;
W. B. Charles E. Callow, Trea-
surer: and W. B. Allan G.
Fletcher Jr., Secretary.
Appointive officers for the
year will be Bros. John Fritz-
mann, Chaplain; Clarence Ol-
son, Marshall; Joseph B. Mil-
ler, Senior Deacon; Gaff W.
Doolittle, Junior Deacon: Rob-
ert S. I,aney, Senior Steward:
Allen Ulrich, Junior Steward;
W. B. Thomas T. Lanman Sr.,
provide courage for aspir-
ing authors.
The first actual "sale" for
Elizabeth Montgomery was a
four-line greeting card verse.
In 1938, Scott Foresman pub-
lishing firm offered her a con-
tract to write primers. This
was the beginning of a 20 year
association that saw books from
"We Look and See' to the health
series which is used in many
Her other works have includ-
ed a series "The Story Behind"
and has featured, among oth-
ers "The Story Behind Great
Books" and "The Story Behind
Great Inventions," these have
been published by Dodd Mead.
Ires Washburn has published
two of her Juvenile Fiction
books, "Tide Treasure Camp-
er" and "Two Kinds of Cour-
age," as well as "Toward
Democracy," a non - fiction
At present, Elizabeth Mont-
gomery is writing for the Gar-
rard Publishing Company, work-
ing on historical Juvenile Non-
Fiction. These she has great
enthusiasm for, as they bring
the lives and times of well-
known people to youngsters in
a factual and absorbing man-
Each of these books is writ-
ten for a certain grade level and
is limited in total words. The
most recent on "Chief Joseph,
Guardian of His People" was
written for the 3rd and 4th grade
level and was limited to an
8,000 word content.This type of
writing requires much time,
effort, and research.
Sometimes 5 or 6 different
books must be read in addition
to checking other resource
areas. She is able to do this
through her self-taught ability
to skim quickly and concen-
trate to the exclusion of all else.
No matter how thorough her
research, Garrard maintains a
"Fact Checker" who carefully
In all, Elizabeth Rider Mont-
gomery has had 51 books pub-
lished and some plays. "All
Kinds of People" was her
first produced play, being done
by the West Seattle Drama
Club, in 1950. She has written
many others, some of which
have received both local and
national prizes and honors.
For many years, Elizabeth
Montgomery was very active in
the community. She was a
church trustee, Sunday School
Teacher, youth group sponsor,
and Women's Fellowship Presi-
dent at the Alki Congregational
Church. And she has been a
Cub Den mother, assistant Girl
Scout leader, president of the
Youth Symphony Board, Music
Camp Councilor, President of
the Seattle Free Lances. She
also was very active in the
PTA, Community Club and the
Friends of the Library.
On November 20, Elizabeth
Montgomery shared the spot-
light with Judge Long at the
annual Friends of the Library
dinner where they were honored
for their literary contributions.
In addition to having raised a
son and a daughter, both of
whom are married, and her
writing and community activi-
ties -- Elizabeth Montgomery
is still an active and talented
artist. Her water colors deco-
rate her home as do her hand-
braided rugs which fill the
rooms. She also has an abiding
interest in antiques and antique
restoring, and she has done the
needlepoint for several chairs.
In her "spare" time Mrs.
Julesberg helps her husband
Arthur with their Laundromat
enterprise, keeping all the fi-
nancial records, and at one time
was even the janitorial serv-
ice. For rest and relaxation,
the Julesbergs and their camp-
er head for the wilderness and
peace and quiet.
Y0urq munity
The West Seattle YMCA--
Community Pool will begin to
take registration for youth and-
or adult swim instruction on
Dec. 15. For youth classes there
are Saturday morning or Mon-
day after school times avail-
able. Beginning swimming in-
struction will also be held Fri-
day after school. Classes start
the week of Jan. 5. Adult swim
lessons are on Wednesdays,
either at 11 a.m. or 8:30 p.m.
Also registration for the popu-
lar Swim 'N Trim classes will
be taken at the same time. You
may sign up for Monday and
Wednesday at either 9 a.m. or
10 a.m. or Tuesday and Friday
at 10a.m.
A class in combined YMCA-
ARC Senior Lifesaving is of-
fered to anyone 15 and older
who is a strong swimmer and
can meet specified pre-requi-
sites in swimming. It meets
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Mon-
days under the direction of Bill
derauld, veteran instructor and
coach. More than 30 hours of
water and lecture training are
offered. The fee is $17.75, in-
cluding 2 textbooks. Sign up now
if you have plans for guarding
swim activities for the coming
Fees for the other classes --
youth, adult, Swim 'N Trim, is
$12 for 7 weeks, and $120 for con-
secutive re-enrollment and 2rid
members in the family. Re-
member to call the West Se-
attle YMCA-Community Pool
at WE 5-2270 or stop by at
4550 Fauntleroy Way SW for
Free Santa Se "
Any family who would like to have a real
Claus come to their house this year, can call
and ask for "Santa."
Give Santa's helper your name and address
names of the children. Also, any other
will help Santa do his job. You request a time,
will be there. No charge will be made for
Christmas Pictures
for Children and Grown Ups
Made of wood and all attractively hand painted in
Only store in Seattle having these for sale. BU
...e./../ STUDIO of
4547 California Ave. S.W. WE
We are haPP]
nounce that
the Tailor now
tailored suitS,
coats and
his Tailor-made
Steve's guara
fit everyone,
small. Buy a so
dealer who
for Ladies &
4450 Calif.
Phone WE
.00.Maki, MarksL. Ewing, Ray-Ty,er00andnerber, L, RunO,e,--............--.--.--•
mond T. Besser, Howard D. Organist. la ! Chris!mas T
Auld, Clarence Miller, Allan Musical selections by Ralph I • •
G. Fletcher Jr. and Robert R. T. Gunderson and Mrs. Selena
Roach. Velikanje.
Mrs" Selena Velikanje will nllMas°ns'theirfamiliesand'i 1
' 2611 California Ave. SW • WE 5-6556 be the installing oi'ganist, friends are invited. Refresh-
i Elected officers to be instal- meats will follow in the banquet
led are John G. t'ederson, Wor- hall.
e .... Ca,, Make |
cialEvents i /OGF:-I- X Your i
i i Tw° special events during the c°°kiesandc°ffee' I (CERg/FCuATE! Christmas | ! .?,. ,
Christmas season will again be Again this year we will have
sponsored by the nlki Corn- the annual Tinsel Trail contest I FAOR!TE I Easy and |
munity Club. open to all residents of the Alki
On Dec. 23rd a program is community. First Place and LL: / Beautiful[ jj
being planned in cooperation Honorable Mention for each of
with the Alki Recreational three categories will be pre- i -,___..-
Center during the appearance seated at the January meeting
of the Christmas ship. Starting of the club. !
i " at7:45p.m, refreshments will Lighting, Religious, andPic- ilK:Wiii ! :llil ' 1
New Shipment of be served at the bathhouse on torial decorations will be judged K
the beach with caroling by a the evening of Dec. 29. AI-
|l Haggar Slacks cboir and all who plan to watch though all homes will be con- "
the ship which arrives at 8:30 sidered, anyone who wishes
p.m. Everyone is invited to may register by calling Mrs.
PERMANENT PRESS come and enjoy the beach boa O. C. Holtan at WE 2.4590 or
- fire, music, and hot cocoa, for further information. I1 EXPIRESI216-6? EXPIRES12-16 - I1
Dacron Blend ....... Sl0°° - " CUSTOM ORBER JEWELRY 1 I 2571/2 E, .A|. 12004*ESM. WY. |
/e; Oneota kind- Justtoryou I I Auburn MANSFIELD
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IYJWAY ,m_.___.__.__._.,
In long or short whites $1OO ' "i L
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orC,,r... I
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I Pajamas ir-'-
rOragClerdCOttons, iersey knits, "
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I I J A,, woo, roes .,aids DO
'!i] r " '
Izo ,a,ns ro .......... 27
,._,._...." robes, heavvwmght ......... ,t
Pendleton Shirts _
oSrh ' rSo '°ege ves. F r o m ...... q4 °°
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Choose Now from This Very Special Selection!
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' ! 17dr [)L-- FURNITURE AND
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